Posted Date : July 08,2019
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : FOOD-4540
Government authority located in Lawrenceville, Georgia; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for food services.
[A] Budget: Looking for proposal
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide food services to the government authority located in Lawrenceville, GA.
- The Service Provider shall assemble and provide an aggregate collection of menus to the Department of Support Services. The Service Provider shall identify in their proposal, if available, any alternative food service options, such as catering, ice cream shops, food carts, micro markets, vending, pop-up stands, and kiosks.
- The Service Provider will create a marketing strategy for advertising services, menus, catering services, daily specials, promotions, special events and establish the capability to administer a mobile app. The County shall review and approve all marketing/advertising plans prior to deployment by the Service Provider.
- Jury Dining—The Service Provider shall provide meal services to jurors including special arrangements for dining in the Jury Dining Area upon request of the County’s Court Administration. The Jury Dining Area may not be used for overflow dining by regular customers. Most services for jurors are performed during normal lunch hours; however, the Service Provider may be requested to provide food services after hours for trials that run late or for sequestered jurors.
- Catering Services—The Service Provider will provide Catering Services to County functions within GJAC or at other County facilities. These Catering Services should include the provision of snacks, lunch options, and holiday buffets. Catering Services are expected to be primarily in support of the County’s Conference Center activities, department lunches, and receptions in the lobby of the Auditorium or first floor Atrium. The Service Provider’s food services manager or a designated staffer may be required to be available throughout the entire catered event. The Service Provider must be prepared to supply dinnerware and serving supplies as necessary for catered events. Proposing firms must include a catering services menu, procedures for ordering and scheduling, and pricing structure in their proposals.
- The Service Provider shall plan, order, furnish, prepare, and serve food and beverages necessary for a nutritional, appetizing, and healthy food service program. The food service program shall be in accordance with the Service Provider’s proposal, which shall be attached to and made a part of the Agreement between the County and the Service Provider.
- In developing its proposal and associated food service program, the Service Provider is encouraged to use its expertise and creativity. Nutritional information (i.e. calories, fat, sugar, sodium, carbohydrates, etc.) for regular menu items may be requested by the County. The Service Provider shall include a menu catalog with rotation cycles and frequency of cycle. The Service Provider’s daily menu fare and pricing, as presented in its proposal, shall be an essential part of the Agreement.
- The Service Provider shall abide by all laws, regulations, codes, and requirements of local, state, and federal origin pertaining to the preparation and serving of food and the operation and maintenance of a commercial food service facility. The Service Provider shall be required to correct and work to remedy or prevent any nuisance, violation, or other grievance arising directly or indirectly from its services within 24 hours after being notified of an issue.
- Prior to commencement of any food service in the Cafeteria, the Service Provider shall obtain a food service permit from the County Public Health Department. The Service Provider and its employees shall obtain and maintain any other licenses, permits, and employee health certificates as required by law to operate the Cafeteria. At minimum, three staff members operating at GJAC shall obtain and maintain certification.
(2) A pre-proposal conference will be held on July 31, 2019.
(3) All question must be submitted no later than August 2, 2019.
[C] Eligibility:
Onshore (USA Only)
[D] Work Performance:
Not Applicable
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: August 21,2019
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : FOOD-4540
Government authority located in Lawrenceville, Georgia; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for food services.
[A] Budget: Looking for proposal
[B] Scope of Service:
(1) Vendor needs to provide food services to the government authority located in Lawrenceville, GA.
- The Service Provider shall assemble and provide an aggregate collection of menus to the Department of Support Services. The Service Provider shall identify in their proposal, if available, any alternative food service options, such as catering, ice cream shops, food carts, micro markets, vending, pop-up stands, and kiosks.
- The Service Provider will create a marketing strategy for advertising services, menus, catering services, daily specials, promotions, special events and establish the capability to administer a mobile app. The County shall review and approve all marketing/advertising plans prior to deployment by the Service Provider.
- Jury Dining—The Service Provider shall provide meal services to jurors including special arrangements for dining in the Jury Dining Area upon request of the County’s Court Administration. The Jury Dining Area may not be used for overflow dining by regular customers. Most services for jurors are performed during normal lunch hours; however, the Service Provider may be requested to provide food services after hours for trials that run late or for sequestered jurors.
- Catering Services—The Service Provider will provide Catering Services to County functions within GJAC or at other County facilities. These Catering Services should include the provision of snacks, lunch options, and holiday buffets. Catering Services are expected to be primarily in support of the County’s Conference Center activities, department lunches, and receptions in the lobby of the Auditorium or first floor Atrium. The Service Provider’s food services manager or a designated staffer may be required to be available throughout the entire catered event. The Service Provider must be prepared to supply dinnerware and serving supplies as necessary for catered events. Proposing firms must include a catering services menu, procedures for ordering and scheduling, and pricing structure in their proposals.
- The Service Provider shall plan, order, furnish, prepare, and serve food and beverages necessary for a nutritional, appetizing, and healthy food service program. The food service program shall be in accordance with the Service Provider’s proposal, which shall be attached to and made a part of the Agreement between the County and the Service Provider.
- In developing its proposal and associated food service program, the Service Provider is encouraged to use its expertise and creativity. Nutritional information (i.e. calories, fat, sugar, sodium, carbohydrates, etc.) for regular menu items may be requested by the County. The Service Provider shall include a menu catalog with rotation cycles and frequency of cycle. The Service Provider’s daily menu fare and pricing, as presented in its proposal, shall be an essential part of the Agreement.
- The Service Provider shall abide by all laws, regulations, codes, and requirements of local, state, and federal origin pertaining to the preparation and serving of food and the operation and maintenance of a commercial food service facility. The Service Provider shall be required to correct and work to remedy or prevent any nuisance, violation, or other grievance arising directly or indirectly from its services within 24 hours after being notified of an issue.
- Prior to commencement of any food service in the Cafeteria, the Service Provider shall obtain a food service permit from the County Public Health Department. The Service Provider and its employees shall obtain and maintain any other licenses, permits, and employee health certificates as required by law to operate the Cafeteria. At minimum, three staff members operating at GJAC shall obtain and maintain certification.
(2) A pre-proposal conference will be held on July 31, 2019.
(3) All question must be submitted no later than August 2, 2019.
[C] Eligibility:
Onshore (USA Only)
[D] Work Performance:
Not Applicable
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: August 21,2019
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$